Historically, Doc's Needle-free Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has provided the same level of treatment success in 1/5 the number of recommended acupuncture sessions with needles, often without the need for herbs. This is due, in part, to the amount of time dedicated to the treatment of each individual. Fewer sessions are necessary versus chiropractic and physical therapy treatments. Doc's unique methods provide relief to those for whom surgery was an only resort.

Doc Blackstone's therapy methods do not conflict, by nature, with any other treatment modalities. Needle-free Acupuncture is highly recommended to enhance the effectiveness of any other treatment regimen.

Everyone seeking healing intervention will benefit from Doc's methods of Needle-Free Acupuncture; the elderly, infants, even pets. In more than 35 years of healing arts practice there are no recorded injuries and extremely few unpredictable side effects reported resulting from treatment. In fact, positive side effects have been noted even after cessation of treatment sessions. Occasionally, complete spontaneous recovery has taken place days or weeks after therapy.

Doc is highly trained to assess areas of imbalance in accordance with Chinese and Japanese medical doctrine. If it is deemed necessary upon any examination, it may be recommended that a medical doctor conduct an evaluation first. If warranted, referrals to the appropriate health care specialists will be provided.

Steven "Doc" Blackstone is nationally certified by the American Organization of Bodywork Therapies of Asia ™, which ensures an adequate level of formal education. However, the knowledge and experience accumulated over 35 years of healing practice makes a profound difference in the treatment outcome.

No. Insurance companies do not recognize Needle-free Acupuncture as a health care modality that meets their eligibility requirements. The health care system is gradually changing and may offer coverage for this service in the future. Many health care plans offer a Health Care Reimbursement option to recover out-of–pocket health care expenses which may be used to cover treatment costs. Health Savings Account (HSA) cards are easliy processed. The appropriate paperwork can be submitted to insurance companies upon request.

Absolutely! Discover, Mastercard, American Express and Visa are acceptable methods of payment. Zelle and CashApp are also acceptable.

The most common service provided is Doc's one hour Needle-Free Acupuncture session. This  hour of one-on-one time is 100% is dedicated to restoring your health and well being. Other quality services are available according to your needs.

List of Most Common Services

Needle-free Acupuncture........................................................ $95

Asian Bodywork Therapy (1 hour)……………………………… $95

Pediatric Therapy (30 min)………………….…….....……………. $45

Dietary Consultation/ Herbs (30 min)…………………………$45 + cost of herbs

Herbal Refills…………………………………………… Cost of herbs

Office hours are intended to maximize availability to clients during times  they find most convenient. Due to client volume Steven a.k.a “Doc” is available by appointment only.

Monday – Thursday…………….. 10:00am – 8:00pm

Sunday ………………………….. 10:00am – 6:00pm

Cancellation Policy– As a courtesy to others waiting for openings in Doc’s  schedule, please call the clinic as soon as possible if you find that you need to cancel your appointment.